October 11 PD 2019 recap


Jose Diaz online access extended 3 years. (Please use this!)
Diaz classroom sets completed.

Abriendo Paso and Temas y Lecturas: all licenses restored and available

LMAM 2020: call for facilitators and presenters!
Coaching and collaboration initiative (ongoing)

LMAM 2020:
Facilitate curriculum creation by levels:
  Levels 1-3  AP 4 (using College Board) and IB
  Target language facilitation (anchor charts/suggested lang. and strategies. (all languages)
You will have time (and help!) to plan in the Spring. 
+ Any other useful presentation you believe your peers could benefit from!

Ask for time! We do not have PD. Let's make our own!
Coaching and collaboration time! Get precise feedback from Hardy and/or your peers.
Request time to elaborate and design lessons.

What we remember when we plan:
These language functions keep us centered on the communicative nature of our mission.

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